Adwokat Bydgoszcz

Attorney Bydgoszcz

Attorney Bydgoszcz. Each of us has found ourselves in a difficult situation, the solution of which can only be offered by a professional lawyer. I am an experienced lawyer, I run my business in Bydgoszcz and help to solve a dispute in your favor. I will decipher the nuances of legal acts and legal norms in detail, I will defend your interests in court without your presence. They offer a range of legal services for natural and legal persons, and my main task is primarily to protect the client’s interests in a specific situation.

What services does a lawyer in Bydgoszcz provide?

Legal standards define the types of services I provide. They include:

  • Providing consultations orally or in writing.
  • Editing documents.
  • Representing the client’s interests in organizations, executive bodies or in court.
  • Protection of the client’s interests against tax authorities.

The most effective solution to your legal problem can be provided by a lawyer specializing in the area of ​​law to which your problem relates. Each area of ​​law contains many regulations that I know very well.

  • The attorney’s services in Bydgoszcz cover the following areas:

A criminal case. I build the client’s defense at the stage of preparatory proceedings, I represent his interests during the entire criminal process, including court hearings and appeals after the verdict.

A civil case. Working as a lawyer in Bydgoszcz, I provide assistance in inheritance, compensation, housing and employment disputes, divorces , division of property, etc. Conducting legal matters (conclusion of legal transactions, conducting cases in economic disputes, legal control of documents, protection of company interests during inspections tax, etc.).

Legal advice in the services of a lawyer in Bydgoszcz

My activity includes the provision of legal services in all major areas, including:

  • Criminal proceedings in matters of economic, official or criminal nature.
  • Resolving disagreements with tax authorities.
  • Settlement of disputes with banking and customs services, economic disputes, etc.

As a reliable specialist, I provide legal services both on a one-off basis and I am ready to deal with legal matters on an ongoing basis. My services are used by both private individuals and business representatives.

  • The category of one-time services includes:
  • Legal advice.
  • Preparation of a lawsuit or other document.
  • Reading the contract before signing it by the client.
  • Participation in pre-trial investigative activities.

Presence and provision of legal services during investigative activities (searches, interrogations, etc.)

Business representatives prefer constant legal support. I have extensive legal experience:

  • Tax relations with state authorities (resolving tax disputes, appealing against illegal decisions, etc.).
  • Criminal proceedings concerning corruption and official crimes.
  • Organization of defense in cases of economic crimes.

What legal experience does the lawyer in Bydgoszcz have?

I am an attorney with extensive experience in handling cases of various categories. Thanks to this, they can solve standard and non-standard problems of any complexity. I have experience working with law enforcement and regulators, so I am able to anticipate the actions of the prosecutor. Thanks to this, I can build an effective defense for each of my clients. I have been working as an attorney in Bydgoszcz for a long time , but I am constantly updating my knowledge by carefully studying each new law or legal act, which allows me to build my legal position based on applicable legal standards.

Legal support in the field of family law offered by an attorney in Bydgoszcz

With which of the spouses will the children remain.

How will the spouse who left the family communicate with the children.

How to divide assets after divorce.

Depriving one of the spouses of parental rights when he evades fulfilling the duties of raising and materially supporting children and many others.

In the law of inheritance, the lawyer from Bydgoszcz supports:

  • Agreements between applicants for inheritance.
  • Refusal of one of the parties to share in the inheritance.
  • Determination of the inheritance share for each applicant.
  • Determining the order of inheritance.
  • Declaring a will invalid and other inheritance matters.

A lawyer in Bydgoszcz helps at all stages of a criminal case

The reasons for initiating a criminal case can be very different: economic crime, accident and many others. Sometimes the accused are not ready to assess the seriousness of the situation, confident in their innocence, they try to solve the problem on their own, only exacerbating it by their own actions. By using the services of an experienced lawyer on time, you can protect yourself from most troubles and unforeseen financial losses. I collect the necessary evidence base at the stage of preparatory proceedings, build a reliable line of defense for a court hearing, and if necessary, I will appeal against an unjust court decision in higher instances. As a lawyer in Bydgoszcz in criminal matters, I will accompany the person under investigation during the investigation activities, I will participate in the process of communication with representatives of law enforcement agencies.

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